Kama ukivaa nguo fupi kuna ofa kwa ajili yako kwenye mgahawa huu China.. Yani wanapima kabisa !!

TZ kuna matukio ambayo yamewahi kusikika kuhusu wanawake wanaovaa nguo fupi kuchaniwa nguo zao, Kenya pia hiyo iliwahi kukaa kwenye headlines.
Kwa nchi za wenzetu si jambo la ajabu kuona wanawake wakiwa ndani ya mavazi mafupi na kutembea bila wasiwasi barabarani, mna leo kuna hii ya uvaaji wa nguo fupi iliyotokea China
Kuna mgahawa mmoja China umejitolea kuwapa punguzo wanawake wote watakaokuwa wamevaa nguo fupi wanapoingia ndani ya Mgawaha huo.
Kuonesha jamaa wako serious kabisa amewekwa na mtu maalum kabisa kwa ajili ya kupima ufupi wa nguo ya kila mwanamke anayeingia kwenye mgahawa huo.. hii imeonekana kupata wateja wengi, jamaa wanasema muda mwingi kuna foleni ndefu ya wateja wa kike ambao wanapiga sketi zao ili kuingia ndani.

Mgahawa II
Pic shows: Female customer wearing short skirts. The restaurant offers them discounts if their hems are over 33 cm above the knees. Women restaurant-goers are been given massive discounts - if they wear short skirts. Female punters at a hotpot eatery in the city of Jinan, in east China’s Shangdon Province, have been told they will get a whopping 90 percent discount on grub if their miniskirt hems are over 33cm above the knee. While those whose skirts are over 8cm above the knee get 20 percent off. To decide on what discount they get, a doorman checks their skirt lengths with a tape measure. Now the restaurant says it has been flooded with mini-skirted women eager for some cheap nosh. A spokesman said: "We wanted to do a promotion on our hotpot and we came up with this. "Girls like showing off their legs and now they can get more than just admiring glances from passersby - they can get cheap food too." The move has received mixed reactions from locals. One writing on social media, De-Ho2 said: "I don’t see the problem. "Clubs also let women wearing short skirts into the front of the queue. It’s an unwritten rule." Another, Shen Liang, posted: "Best idea ever." But others have been less keen on the idea, slamming it as sexist. One, AnTsai, complained: "I have long, beautiful legs but I will be damned if I am going to let some strange man measure my skirt length for a crappy hotpot #outraged." Another, Xin Kao said: "You’ll probably find hidden cameras under the tables too. Disgusting and cheap." (ends)
Punguzo hilo huanzia asilimia 20 hadi 90 ya gharama ya chakula na vinywaji na hutegemea na jinsi mhusika alivyovaa.
Yang Jia Hot Pot ambaye ni meneja wa mgahawa huo amesema baada ya kutoa ofa hiyo wamekuwa wakipata idadi kubwa ya wateja na mauzo yamekuwa poa pia baada ya kuanza kwa ofa hii maalum kabisa !!

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